After being thrown into a house in a rift, you find yourself lost and unsure of what to do. As time passes, you are joined by other castaways from various realities, each forming an unbreakable bond of trust, friendship, and physical intimacy.
Throughout the day, beautiful women from different fantasy worlds take care of you, while at night you explore the oddities of the rift with your newfound companions. You can spend your time baking cakes with a seductive succubus, grappling with a voluptuous pirate captain, or studying magic with a young acolyte. And of course, you can also engage in some extracurricular activities with each of the women.
As you fall in love with these women and spend passionate moments with them, you also fall deeper into the rifts every night, exploring the unknown with those you trust and cherish.
- Date: 15/June/2023
- Name: A House In The Rift
- Version: v0.6.15r3
- Broad Tags: All Vanilla Sex, Fantasy
- Dev: Zanith
- Gallery Unlocker: DarkAssassin
- Android: incg
2/August/2023 – Updated to v0.6.15r3
- Big technical upgrade, you can play the hi-res version on Android again
- Celebrate an important date with Cait’s – And have an important conversation with her
- Visit the University and dig into some juicy secrets
- Sex scenes remasters
15/June/2023 – First Upload v0.16.14b1
Top tier animated scenes, even though it is honey select based.
Content: 17000+ Images, 280+ long animations
Has points system, sandbox, built-in walkthrough. Not really grindy.
Dream Pro Plus unlock codes
New Plaything – onaleash
Obedient Maid – myelvishmaid
Last Updated on August 3, 2023