
As a Peerless Demon Lord of Lust, you were defeated and imprisoned for thousands of years. But now, you have escaped your prison and found yourself in a new world, inhabiting the body of a weak human due to some complications.
To regain your power, you must spread lust and corruption, and fortunately, this world is full of beautiful women. It appears that only women possess the ability to use magic in this world, but you can sense that your own magic and demon power still work. This means that you are the only male who can use magic in this world, which presents many possibilities. You have come across elves and beast folks, and you wonder if there are any demons here as well.
- Date: 12/July/2023
- Name: Peerless Lust
- Version: 0.26 Public
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister
- Dev: Darx24
- Android: Official
12/July/2023- Updated to v0.26 Public
The focus of this Update was adding some more side/bonus content to the game.
- You can now freely enter ‘Albion Space’ in the Academy and meet Sloth here~ (Visit Academy lab)
- There were some changes in the ‘Dream’ menu in the MC room. The menu is now split between ‘Specials’ and ‘Girls’ Memory’. The specials are the same ones that were on the ‘Dream’ menu before. ‘Girls’ memory’ are some special events that show our girls’ memories when they are doing something lewd~
- There are two new events for the new ‘Girls’ memories’ menu – One with Mirila (When she ‘did something bad’) and the second with Filaere when she tried to break MC’s curse.
- You can now ask Noemi to invite her mom to the Academy and have some fun~
- You can now ask Vicky and Anika to invite their moms to the Academy (It seems they are living together~?) and help them get closer to each other ~
- Some small changes here and there.
13/June/2023 – Updated to v0.25
The main focus of this Update was corrupting Elen, Astria, and Rirsi, So There are a lot of new events (and h-scenes, of course, ~) with them – Including the finale of the Academy conquering story~
- You can now fully corrupt Elen and discover her sad secret…lucky we can help her~
- You can now fully corrupt Rirsi – Honey-trap against The Lord of Lust is not a good idea~
- You can now conquer The Academy and make The Headmistress yours~
New Practical Lesson for our familiar
- We can now give Alchemy class to the special class~ (More events with this in the future~)
- You can now discover the secrets behind The First Headmistress and the mysterious blue-haired girl that sometimes talks with Albion~
- You can now ask Ranea, Caja, and Alyrila about their moms, and meet with them~
- Some small changes here and there.
New Patrons scenes:
- You can now ask Mirila for a foot-job~/ You can now wait for Louise in your Salon on Sunday Morning for some more foot-job fun~ Those scenes were made for my Sage tier Patron Fenrir77
- You can now meet Noemi in the bar on Friday and Saturday and have some fun with her~ This scene was made for my Demon tier Patron seowdap
- New Gang-bang scene with your clones for Lisa~ You can ask her about it after the orgy scene in the Spa with her, Madi, Mia, and Alis~ This scene was made for my Demon tier Patron Wild Bill
- New Dream Invader Scene for Alis – She really wants our MC baby~ This scene was made for my Demon tier Patron HymnOfSouls
14/May/2023- First Upload, v0.24 Public
Like the previous update, there are more story-focused events in this one, including a new lesson, more of the Headmistress Pov, and our MC past~
The main focus of this Update was corrupting Loria , Alyrila, and Mirla, So There are a lot of new events (and h-scenes of course~) with them.
- New Headmistress Pov events, She and her friends discovered more things about our MC, but it seems like things aren’t so simple~
- New event with Elen – She will give you a very nice book (For those who want to know more about the game’s world and lore ^^)
- New practical lesson for our familiar.
- Some small changes here and there~
- I know the changelog is a little vague but I don’t want to spoil too much~
Has enough content to play (2400+ Stills, 1075~ Animations).
Choice based sandbox, it has built-in walkthrough, no third party mods available…yet anyways.
Peerless Lust v0.26 Public
No compression because original is already optimal/compressed.
Last Updated on July 12, 2023