For generations, the Takei family lived a peaceful civilian life, until their longstanding adversary launched a merciless attack in pursuit of her own objectives. Upon discovering a long-held family secret, the last surviving Takei man must now rescue those who have fallen into her clutches. Fortunately, he will have the assistance of skilled female ninjas, or Kunoichis, who will provide both aid and entertainment.
- Date: 29/June/2023
- Name: Takei’s Journey
- Version: 0.19 Part 2 aka 0.19.2
- Incest Content: Mother-Son
- Dev: Ferrum
- Android: Incg
29/June/2023- Updated to v0.19 Part 2
- 379k + Words
- 2 New Hinata Events
- 2 New Ino Events
- 2 New Chocho Events
- 2 New Wasabi Events
- 2 New Mirai Events
- 1 New Main Event
- 4 New Animations (H-Scene)
- Reworked render from Tsunade event “old but gold”
- Reworked render from Sumire event “Coincidence”
- Added missing gallery event: Sumire’s “Coincidence”
- Added missing gallery event: Tsunade’s “old but gold”
- Updated Hokage office and Tsunade RP farm renders
- 1 New Character Profile (Kurotsuchi, the Tsuchikage)
- Improved dialogue
- Fixed minor bugs
- 300+ New Images
29/May/2023- Updated to v0.19 Part 1
- 359k + Words
- 3 New Tsunade Events
- 3 New Tsubaki Events
- 2 New Hako Events (*)
- 2 New Lady Takei Events
- 2 New Mei Events
- 3 New Animations (H-Scene)
- Improved dialogue
- Fixed minor bugs
- 300+ New Images
28/April/2023- Updated to v0.18 Part 2 Patched
- 334k + Words
- 2 New Sarada Events
- 2 New Sumire Events
- 2 New Temari Events
- 2 New Anko Events
- 2 New Namida Events
- 4 New Animations (H-Scene)
- Improved dialogue
- Fixed minor bugs
- 250+ New Images
Naruto/Boruto parody, the scenario is quite good. Has lots of content(Total 8800~ Images, 135~ Animations). No blueballs.
Sandbox, moderate grind. No mod or anything yet.
*I added main event gallery unlock, but it is kind of useless since the bulk of the scenes are not in there. They are in-game events.
Last Updated on June 29, 2023